What is SketchUp Hero?
SketchUp Hero is a beginner friendly video and text based course that will teach you how to use SketchUp for personal and professional projects.

Learn anywhere on anything.
Access your course and all its features on any computer, tablet, or mobile device. Your progress will be saved and updated across all devices.

Track your progress.
Studies show that a clear goal and feedback towards that goal improves the speed and effectiveness of learning and skill acquisition.

Ask questions and get fast answers.
Are you stuck on a certain step? I'll help you through it. Most questions are answered within minutes.

Check yourself, students, and employees.
Each lesson will have multiple choice questions to ensure you understand the concept.
Why You Should Learn SketchUp
If you're like most people you're probably terrible at drawing. (If not, skip to the next paragraph.) Like most of us you started learning to draw in early Elementary school with a pencil and paper. That meant your perception of how capable you were at creative tasks like designing and building things was determined by how good you were at taking a 3D environment and smashing it down onto a 2D paper surface. The obvious became clear: You simply weren't meant to create anything.
It's not true.
SketchUp in my opinion (and many others in the community) is a world changing product because it bypasses the biggest issue most people have when learning to draw: The ability to take something that's 3D and represent it in 2D.
SketchUp isn't the first software that's enabled us to design in 3D. It's simply the best at doing so because of these four important things.
1. Easy to Start
2. Free and Inexpensive
3. Used for Lots of Things
4. Used by Professionals
1. Easy to Start
There's a lot of 3D design software out there. I've tried and still use many of them myself. In my experience, SketchUp was significantly easier to learn than Maya, Inventor, Solidworks, ArchiCad, Blender, and AutoCad. As you'll see from taking this course, you can make some awesome stuff right out of the gate.
2. Free and Inexpensive
Don't tell the team at Trimble, but you can do pretty much everything you need to with the free version of SketchUp called SketchUp Make. Honestly, this is a gift to all humanity. Right now millions of people of all ages are using SketchUp to design simple stuff like custom bookshelves to more complex things like multi-stage rockets.
The ability to express and improve upon your ideas and designs has never been greater than it is today. Sure, my High School had 3D modeling programs. But unless I was in the classroom I couldn't use them. If I wanted to work on my projects at home I would have to buy those programs for thousands of dollars. That's just not something most people let alone a student could buy. Luckily my drafting teacher let me come in before school, during lunch, and after school to work on projects. I lived in a family with eight kids. Staying at school longer wasn't a hard sell.
Thanks to SketchUp there is continuity when learning 3D modeling now. K-12 and those in College are already benefitting from being able to work on their projects from anywhere and anytime.
3. Used for Lots of Things
SketchUp should be the first 3D software anyone learns because it's used in every industry that uses 3D tools. That means whatever you decide to specialize in, you'll be able to use SketchUp for it. Here's a list of major uses.
- Architecture
- Construction
- Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Woodworking
- Interior Design
- Landscape Design
- Game Design
- Set Design
- Robotics
- 3D Printing
4. Used by Professionals
SketchUp is used for serious work. Many major commercial and government agencies use it exclusively.
In the early years SketchUp outsiders thought it was good enough for minor things like a bed frame or at most a kitchen remodel. "Ain't that quaint."
Gradually more and more firms were using SketchUp for client projects like cruise liners, skyscrapers, city planning, and game design. The trend of increased use in firms will continue to grow in the future.
Above is SketchUp being used to design objects in Uncharted 2.
Whether you're new to 3D modeling and design, or you're already a professional and want to incorporate SketchUp into your workflow, this course will get you to your goal. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Make them. With SketchUp Hero I'll show you how. -Jake
What students are saying.

Yes, now I can bring my ideas to life, at least visually. -Gabriel R.

Useful and goofy, thanks a ton! BOOM! -Zandra Christensen-Valvalis

Just finished the course last night, and that was easy for me to understand every step you say, Thank you so much, you're really a big help for me as a new user of SketchUp. God bless! -Rodel Bontes

Thank you sooo much. -Riaha Say

Wow...I'm amazed how EZ you make SketchUp for beginners. I will share this on Facebook. Once again, thanks! -Piper Cub
Course Curriculum
PreviewThe Barnyard - 0 - Introduction
StartThe Barnyard - 1 - Navigation, Lines, Shapes, Push, Pull (10:03)
StartThe Barnyard - 2 - Selecting, Moving, and Follow Me (8:28)
StartThe Barnyard - 3 - Rotating, Curves, Adding the Roof (6:59)
StartThe Barnyard - 4 - Edge and Plane Inference (5:07)
StartThe Barnyard - 5 - Flips, Groups, Components, Arrays (9:01)
StartThe Barnyard - 6 - Materials (16:38)
StartThe Barnyard - 7 - Face Styles, Hiding, and More on Materials (10:31)
StartThe Barnyard - 8 - The 3D Warehouse (11:38)
StartThe Barnyard - 9 - Final Touches (5:01)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 1 - Navigation, Lines, Curves, Push, Pull (5:29)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 2 - Selection Methods, Moving, and Copying (5:28)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 3 - Circles, Edge Count, and Softening (4:47)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 4 - Follow Me Tool (7:33)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 5 - Groups and Components (6:21)
StartSketchUp 2016 - 6 - Arrays: External and Internal (5:19)
Get started now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Instructor

Hello, I'm Jake. I've been using SketchUp professionally for over five years. Between this and my other courses I've taught around a million people how to use SketchUp. The SketchUp Hero course is a consolidation and expansion of all of all my SketchUp tutorials and products. It's an all encompassing mastery course that isn't boring. -Jake
If you're not 100% satisfied with your new skills I'll give you all your money back. That means zero risk for you. You win no matter what.